Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Off to the Mountains


Far away, take me so far across the sky

Far across the eternal lands..

Take me where dreams don't make me shy

Away away into the farthest expanse..

The abysmal night sky makes me ponder

How like crystals in an imaginary necklace

Ever so bright they twinkle yonder

In this turmoil, giving warmth and solace.

Much is covered by the white powdered blanket

The mere touch tingles my frail spine

Oh so beautiful is this mountainous carpet

Dotted in between with fir, maple and pine.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


What hath you always miss?
That which you never had
Touch of a hand long forlorn
Abounding memories all ripped and torn.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Diaries of Distress

Scribble #1

Pent-up emotions in my crammed head
Stifled feelings creeping up again..
Pushed to the farthest corner of the bed
No safe place attainable in my den..